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 发布时间:2019/1/7 16:29:12 | 阅读次数:233

Research Fund for International Young Scientists Call for Proposals FY 2019 (转发 2019 年度国家自然科学基金外国青年学者研究基金申报指南的通知)


Research Fund for International Young Scientists Call for Proposals FY 2019 ( 2019 年度国家自然科学基金外国青年学者研究基金申报指南)

已开始申请,凡拟申请的老师请仔细对照指南要求,符合条件者请提前和科技处联系.外国青年学者研究基金为集中期申请项目,根据学校工作安排, 请申请人务必于 2019 年 3 月 12 日前将纸质申请书原件和附件材料(一式二份)报送科技处(雁山校区行知楼 B 座 612 /屏风校区南校区办公楼 208 ) .

联系人:侯笑娜/苏聪学       电话: 5891646     2539779    

Research Fund for International Young Scientists Call for Proposals FY 2019

This Call for Proposals (CFP) is formulated and released according to the Regulations on the Management of the Research Fund for International Young Scientists (the Fund) published by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) on December 23, 2014. Host institutions and applicants should prepare and submit proposals for the Fund following the requirements of this CFP.

The Fund supports foreign young SCIentists to conduct basic research in mainland China in all areas of SCIence, engineering and health research which are covered by NSFC with the aim to promote sustainable academic collaboration and exchanges between Chinese and foreign young SCIentists. Grantees are also eligible for renewing the Fund once based on review and selection.

I. The Fund

A. How to Apply

Applicants with foreign citizenship should directly apply to NSFC through their host institutions in China.

B. Eligibility

Applicants with foreign citizenship should meet the following qualifications:

1) Less than 40 years old by January 1, 2019 (born on or after January 1, 1979).

2) Have a Ph.D. degree.

3) Have experience of conducting basic research projects or postdoctoral research.

4) Guarantee of full-time work at the host institutions during the project implementation.

5) Abide by Chinese laws and NSFC's relevant rules and regulations while doing research in China.

C. Award Information

Project Duration:  One year or two years starting from January 1, 2020.

Award size: RMB 200,000 Yuan per project for one year or RMB 400,000 Yuan per project for two years, and the award is direct cost.

D. Proposal Submission

Proposals should be submitted via the Internet-based Science Information System between January 07 and March 20, 2019 (due by 16:00 Beijing time). Applicants should complete the proposal forms following the online instructions and outlines for the Fund. After online submission, applicants should print and sign a PDF version of the final application form and submit it in time to NSFC through the host institution along with the supplementary documents.

E. Supplementary Documents

1. Copy of agreement signed by the applicant and the host institution. The agreement should include the following items:

1) Signatures by the applicant and the host institution and inclusion of the subsistence cost provision.

2) The subsistence cost provided by the host institution should cover the funding period, or the agreement should include terms guaranteeing the applicant will work in China during the funding period.

3) The agreement should be signed and sealed by the legal person of the host institution.

2. Copies of the front pages of no more than five representative papers.

F. Where and When to Send the Paper Proposals

Proposal Receiving Group

Room 101, 83 Shuangqing Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100085

NSFC will receive the paper application forms and supplementary documents from March 1 to March 20, 2019 (due by 16:00 Beijing time) excluding weekends and official holidays.

For applications sent by post, the date of posting (as shown on the post mark) should not be later than the deadline date.

II. Renewal of the Fund (目前我校不涉及此类情况)

A. Application

The Renewal of the Fund is either for one year or two years. Awardees of Funds which end on December 31, 2019 may apply for Renewal of the Fund. The awardees should apply via the Internet-based Science Information System between August 19 and September 20, 2019 (due by 16:00 Beijing time) and complete the proposal forms following the online instructions and outlines for the Fund. Progress and outcome of the previous funding should be clearly stated in the proposal. After online submission, applicants should print and sign a PDF version of the final application form and submit it in time to the host institutions along with the supplementary documents.

B. Award Information

Project Duration:  One year or two years starting from January 1, 2020.

Award size: RMB 200,000 Yuan per project over one year or RMB 400,000 Yuan per project over two years, and the award is direct cost.

C. Supplementary Documents

1. Copy of agreement signed by the applicant and the host institution. The agreement should include the following items:

1) Signatures by the applicant and the host institution and inclusion of the subsistence cost provision.

2) The subsistence cost provided by the host institution should cover the funding period, or the agreement should include terms guaranteeing the applicant will work in China during the funding period.

3) The agreement should be signed and sealed by the legal person of the host institution.

2. The applicant's entry and exit record from China during the period of the previous project: a list with the dates of entry and exit and copies of the passport stamps should be provided.

3. Copies of the front pages of no more than five representative papers.

D. Where and When to Send the Paper Proposals

Proposal Receiving Group

Room 101, 83 Shuangqing Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100085

NSFC will receive the paper application forms and supplementary documents from September 16, to September 20, 2019 (due by 16:00 Beijing time).

For applications sent by post, the date of posting (as shown on the post mark) should not be later than the deadline dates.

III. The Host Institution

The host institution should organize application work in light of the provisions of NSFC's Regulations on Host Institutions Management. The host institution should be responsible for the authenticity, completeness and compliance of the proposals and submit the application documents in time to NSFC. The host institution should bear in mind the following requirements:

A. All proposals and supplementary documents (both the electronic version and the paper version) should be submitted to NSFC before the deadlines. For each proposal, only one copy of paper documents is needed. The host institution should sign and seal the proposals.

B. The host institution should verify each item of the electronic application package via the Internet-based Science Information System.

C. The host institution should provide an official letter and a list of all the applications when submitting the paper application documents. Incomplete documents will not be accepted.

Agency Contact

WANG Baohua

Division of Planning

Bureau of International Cooperation

Phone: +86-10-62325793

Fax: +86-10-62327004

Email: wangbh@nsfc.gov.cn

为方便我校相关老师进一步了解 2019 年度国家自然科学基金外国青年学者研究基金申报要求,结合我校实际,我校提供相应的中文通知,如翻译不够准确,以英语通知为准,请见谅.


国家自然科学基金委员会近日发布了 2019 年外国青年学者研究基金项目指南< Research Fund for International Young Scientists Call for Proposals FY 2019 >.具体申报要求如下:

一/ 基金介绍

A 怎样申请


B 申报资格

依托单位的具有外国国籍的科学技术人员 , 具备下列条件的,可申请该项目:

1. 申请者到 2019 年 1 月 1 日未满 40 周岁 [ 即 1979 年 1 月 1 日(含)后出生 ] ;

2. 具有博士学位;

3. 具有从事基础研究或者博士后研究工作经历;

4. 资助期内全时在依托单位开展研究工作;

5. 确保在中国工作期间遵守中国法律法规及自然科学基金的各项管理规定.

C 资助信息


研究期限为一年或者二年,研究起始日期为 2020 年 1 月 1 日.一年期项目资助经费为人民币 20 万元,两年期项目资助经费为人民币 40 万元,所述资助经费为直接经费.

D 申请书提交注意事项

申请人应于 2019 年 1 月 7 日至 3 月 20 日 (北京时间 16:00 前)通过 ISIS 系统提交申请材料.申请人应该通过网上填报说明以及基金撰写提纲等格式要求完成申请书填报工作.在线提交后,申请人应当下载最终的申请书 PDF 版本,打印签字盖章后,与附件材料一起,通过依托单位及时向基金委提交纸质材料.

E 附件材料

1. 申请人与依托单位签订的协议复印件.协议应当包括如下明细:

( 1 )须由依托单位与申请人签订,协议中需要包括申请人必备的生活费用;

( 2 )依托单位应当在基金期间提供给申请人必备的生活费用,或者在协议中明确,申请人在华承担基金期间,依托单位需要保障其生活费用.

( 3 )协议需加盖法人签章及依托单位公章.

( 4 )除上述要求外,我校要求协议中需包含申请人在基金资助期间全时在依托单位工作的条款.

需提供不超过 5 件代表作的文章首页复印件.

F 纸质申请书的提交时间

国家自然科学基金委员会接收申请材料自 2018 年 3 月 1 日开始, 3 月 20 日 16 时截止(周末及其他法定节假日不办公). 具体提交时间以我校要求为准,具体请见本通知第一段时间安排.

二/ 我校要求

协议办理流程:外籍申请人联系学校人事处,凭外籍申请人与我校人事处签订的聘用合同复印件,并在复印件上表明"此件与原件相符'并加盖学校公章及人事处公章.科技处凭该材料出具外籍申请人与依托单位签订的协议原件一式一份(见通知附件 2 ),与聘用合同复印件一起由申请人上传为申请书附件.

1 /外籍申请人需自行联系一位校内联系人,并在在学校科技处备案.该校内联系人需为我校中国籍科研人员,负责向申请人提供政策咨询,协助基金项目经费使用等方面的管理工作.

2 /外籍申请人与我校人事处签订的聘用合同中涉及的聘用期限,必须完全覆盖项目执行期.未能完全覆盖的,不予申报.同时,外籍申请人必须是全时在我校工作,兼职的不予受理.

3 /外籍申请人仅与学院签订的聘用协议不算.基金委只认可学校人事处出具的证明材料.

4. 申请人的博士学位证书复印件:博士学位证书不得由其他形式的文件材料或证明替换.

三 账户开通与申报时间节点

已有 ISIS 系统帐号密码的外籍申请人请使用原有帐号密码登录,无 ISIS 系统帐号密码的外籍申请人请联系科技处开通账户.

该项目列入三月份集中批次受理,时间节点按照我校要求执行.逾期不予受理. 我校接收纸质截止时间为 2019 年 3 月 12 日 .



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