









EditSprings | 2018/09/25 15:13:19  | 2451 次浏览









  一般情况下,许多SCI期刊有对插图和表格要求的明确说明。不同的期刊对插图和表格有不同的要求。如下是Science 杂志对插图要求的指南,因此,要确定在递交你的论文之前通读作者指南,按照该期刊的要求在论文润色的时候使论文格式规范化。

Figure legends should be double-spaced in numerical order. No single legend should be longer than about 200 words. Nomenclature, abbreviations, symbols, and units used in a figure should match those used in the text. The figure title should be given as the first line of the legend. Any individually labeled figure parts or panels(A, B, etc.) should be specifically described by part name within the legend.

Schemes can have very brief legends or no legend at all. Schemes should be sequentially numbered in the same fashion as figures.

Figures should be submitted electronically as part of manuscript file upload For initial submission, figures may be embeded directly in the manuscript file; allowable formats for manuscript files are. pdt, ps,.eps,. prn,. doc,. wpd, as discussed below. Do not send irreplaceable artwork; we will not return submitted figures or disks. Authors submitting revised manuscripts after peer review will receive more specific information about electronic submission of art for publication; at the initial-submision stage, we ask that authors consult our tips for preparing efficient figures to assure a smooth manuscript upload.

Most figures will not be relabeled by Science. The size of figures.when printed, will usually be 5. 5 cm(2. 25 inches or 1 column)or12.0 cm(4. 75 inches or 2 columns)in width. Bar graphs, simple line graphs, and gels may be reduced to a smaller width .Symbols and lettering shouId be large enough to be legible after reducion.Avoid wide variation in type size within a single figure.In the printed version of the figure, letters should be a about 7 points (2 mm)high.High-resolution images can be included as supporting online material.

Science does not allow certain electronic enhancements or manipulations of micrographs, gels, or other digital images. Figures assembled from multiple photographs or images must indicate the separate parts with lines between them. Linear adjustment of contrast, brightness, or color must be applied to an entire image or plate equally. Nonlinear adjustments must be specified in the figure legend. Selective enhancement or alteration of one part of an image in not acceptable. In addition, Science may ask authors of papers returned for revision to provide additional documentation of their primary data. If possible, use scale bars in place of,or in addition to, magnification numbers; the scale bar units should be specified in the figure legend. In gels, the lanes should be numbered and identified by number in the figure legend.

Graphs should be labeled on the ordinate and abscissa with the parameter or variable being measured, the units of measure, and the scale. Scales with large or small numbers should be presented as powers of 10. Definitions of symbols should usually appear in the figure legend and not in the figure. Simple solid or open symbols(,O,,,,,and) reproduce well. Avoid the use of light lines and screen shading. Instead, use black-and-white, hatched, and cross-hatched designs for emphasis. Use heavy lines or boxes for emphasizing or marking off areas of the figure. Additional design guidelines can be found in our tips for preparing efficient figures.

Composite figures should be labeled A, B, C, etc.

Digital color art should be submitted as CMYK(Cyan, Magenta,Yellow, Black) rather than RGB(Red, Green, Blue). Composite figures should be labeled A, B. C.etc.Composite figures should be labeled A, B, C, etc.

Digital color art should be submitted as CMYK(Cyan, Magenta,Yellow, Black rather than RGB(Red, Green, Blue). Composite figures should be labeled A, B,C,etc.

Lettering in Helvetica font is preferable for figures. Use boldface type for axis labels and for part labels(A, B, etc. )in composite figures; use italic type only as it would be used in the text(e.g.,for variables and genes ) .The first letter of each entry should beuppercase; otherwise, use uppercase letters as they would be used in the text(e. g, for acronyms).

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